How to Create a Warehouse Pick for a Single Line in Business Central


How to Create a Warehouse Pick for a Single Line in Business Central

In Business Central, managing warehouse picks for partial shipments or specific lines on a sales order can be a common requirement, especially in complex warehouse environments. There are scenarios where you may want to create a warehouse pick for just one line on a sales order, even if other lines exist on that order. This can be particularly helpful when only certain items are ready to ship while others are still awaiting stock or processing.

Let’s explore how to do this, covering different scenarios depending on your location setup in Business Central, specifically focusing on Directed Put-away and Pick locations and non-directed locations.

Why You Might Want to Create a Pick for a Single Line

Sometimes, only a subset of items on a sales order is ready to ship. Here are a few examples:

  • Partial Shipment: A customer requests an urgent shipment of available items while others are still being processed.
  • Stock Delays: Some items in the order are backordered, while others are in stock.
  • Split Deliveries: Your warehouse may need to split large orders into smaller shipments due to capacity constraints or delivery schedules.

For these cases, Business Central allows you to handle partial picks by managing the Qty. to Ship field and using specific workflows based on your location setup.

If your warehouse is set up as a Directed Put-away and Pick location, there are additional options to manage partial picks. 

  • Create a Warehouse Shipment: First, generate a warehouse shipment document for the sales order. This document will include all lines by default.

  • Delete Lines Not Ready to Be Handled: On the warehouse shipment, delete the lines that you do not want to pick. This is a temporary deletion from the warehouse shipment document, which does not impact the original sales order.

  • Create the Warehouse Pick: After you’ve removed the unwanted lines from the warehouse shipment, create a warehouse pick for the remaining line(s). The pick will now only include the lines that you left on the shipment, allowing you to handle just the line you need. If you later want to pick the remaining lines from the sales order, simply re-create a new warehouse shipment for those lines once they are ready to be handled.


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