Correcting Posting Dates in Business Central


 Correcting Posting Dates in Business Central


User encountered an issue in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central where the dates on "Posted Sales Shipments" were not updating correctly. This discrepancy arises when user creates a sales order and later ship the products. For example, if a sales order is created on January 5th but shipped on March 1st, the "Posting Date" and "Document Date" of the "Posted Sales Shipment" remain as January 5th.


This misalignment results in incorrect "Posting Dates" in the "Item Ledger Entries" as well, which can lead to significant reporting inaccuracies. However, after further investigation, it has been discovered that this is a setup issue within Business Central.


The root of this issue lies in the "Sales and Receivable Setup" settings, specifically the "Default Posting Date" field. This field has two options:

- Work Date

- No Date


When "Work Date" is selected, the system defaults to the date the document was initially created. If the document remains open for several days, there is a high likelihood that the user might post the document without updating the posting date, leading to the issue.


 Recommended Solution

To avoid this issue, we recommend setting the "Default Posting Date" to "No Date". This ensures that the posting date field remains blank until the user manually enters the correct date. This practice helps prevent incorrect dates from being posted and ensures data accuracy.


While the issue of incorrect posting dates in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can seem like a bug, it is typically a result of improper setup. By adjusting the "Default Posting Date" setting and ensuring users are trained to enter dates correctly, you can prevent future discrepancies. For existing entries, a custom processing report will be necessary to correct the dates and maintain the integrity of your financial data.


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