Solving the Mystery of the Untraceable Changes in G/L Accounts
Solving the Mystery of the Untraceable Changes in G/L Accounts Have you ever faced a situation where your General Ledger (G/L) account balances change without any apparent trace of transactions? This can be puzzling, even alarming, as it seems to defy the fundamental principle of accounting that every transaction must be recorded. Let's walk through a real-life scenario and explore how to trace the source of these mysterious changes. Imagine it's the start of the new year, and you're reviewing your company's G/L accounts. Your stock account, labeled 1411, showed a balance of $10,000,000 on December 31, 2023. You completed the year-end closing process, confirmed all bookings were made, and even verified the balance a week later — it was still $10,000,000. Then, out of the blue, the balance reads $10,043,000. No additional bookings are visible, and no one recalls making manual adjustments. It's as if $43,000 appeared out of thin air! Before concluding it's a...